
With a powerful amalgam of deep industry knowledge, creating management and technical expertise, we have the scale and experience to respond to your unique challenges and opportunities. Explore our capabilities, offerings, and experiences in the industries listed below:


TrenLogic has an extensive knowledge of the Utility Marketplace and its continuous changing needs. We have an in-depth knowledge of the challenges that Utilities face and we provide solutions and services to our customers to ease the stress on management, online and offline customer service representatives and operations by providing quality services and products that introduce cost savings and brings efficiencies to the organizations.

TrenLogic provides services in the Utility Marketplace to both Regulated and De-regulated utilities, ie, we design, develop, implement, maintain and enhance applications for utilities to stay ahead of the market trends and provide efficient services to its customers.


A deregulated utility market is one in which the utility industry's normal service delivery system has been unbundled, ie, in general, bills will include a customer charge, charges for generation, transmission, distribution, metering, billing and taxes. The precise format is still being worked out. When a utility service industry unbundles its delivery service system, then, no one utility is responsible for creating, delivering and billing the end-use customer for the energy provided. Each part of the regulated energy delivery process becomes a separately billable business function.

All utilities will basically unbundle their rates in a similar way although there will be some minor differences in the way their statements are presented, reflecting rate making differences for each utility.


In some states in United States and in some provinces in Canada, Utilities are regulated by the state or province laws. The utility commissions oversee the rates utilities charge their customers and the services they provide

Health Care

Selection and Implementation of Clinet / Patient Information System is critical to the careers of Information Systems personnel and to the Hospitals / Organizations in which they serve. TrenLogic prides itself in its ability to cost-affectively assist organizations with selection, implementation, maintenance, enhancements and support of software solutions.

Our healthcare services division is led by Medical Doctors and Health Care Professionals in combination with Software Engineers. Our staff members have extensive experience in the selection, installation and support of Healthcare Information Systems and Client / Patient Information Systems.